Working at The Department of Corrections, CDCR T he week after our 21 day marathon I was invited to a meeting to define the valid values for the system's gender field. At the time I thought “We need a meeting for this? Well at least it will be quick.” When I got to the meeting I learned that they had already had 3 prior meetings on this. I was in my 40's and I knew about transitioning but I was under the impression that at any point in time one was either male of female. Of course this was 30 years ago, well before those crazy Democrats discovered how to change someone's gender in a single school day. No matter how you feel about the Democrats you got to admit that's a pretty awesome accomplishment. Back in the “old days” transitioning required a series of operations as well as injections and supplements. Hence, there was a question of where in the process did the transition actually happen. Maybe a little like the when does life start type of issue. W h...
Hello State Service I started my new job with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) on a Wednesday. Why a Wednesday? Maybe it was the start of the month. Maybe it was just the date they gave me. Maybe my last day at El Dorado was Tuesday. Why I remember this will become clear later. I had interviewed for the position at CDCR headquarters building located on S street between 15 th and 16 th . The project I was hired for and was going to be working on was located at 1050 20 th street in what is now called the Mars building but was back then referred to as the Mayflower building. I arrived about 8. I walked in. There was no reception area. I asked someone where I'd find the IT group I would be working with and they directed me to the 2 nd floor on the south east side of the building. So I proceeded to the second floor and after standing there a couple of minutes someone asked me if I needed something or was looking for someone. I ...