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Working at The Department of Corrections, CDCR

  Working at The Department of Corrections, CDCR T he week after our 21 day marathon I was invited to a meeting to define the valid values for the system's gender field. At the time I thought “We need a meeting for this? Well at least it will be quick.” When I got to the meeting I learned that they had already had 3 prior meetings on this. I was in my 40's and I knew about transitioning but I was under the impression that at any point in time one was either male of female. Of course this was 30 years ago, well before those crazy Democrats discovered how to change someone's gender in a single school day. No matter how you feel about the Democrats you got to admit that's a pretty awesome accomplishment. Back in the “old days” transitioning required a series of operations as well as injections and supplements. Hence, there was a question of where in the process did the transition actually happen. Maybe a little like the when does life start type of issue. W h...
Recent posts

Hello State Service

Hello State Service I started my new job with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) on a Wednesday. Why a Wednesday? Maybe it was the start of the month. Maybe it was just the date they gave me. Maybe my last day at El Dorado was Tuesday. Why I remember this will become clear later. I had interviewed for the position at CDCR headquarters building located on S street between 15 th and 16 th . The project I was hired for and was going to be working on was located at 1050 20 th street in what is now called the Mars building but was back then referred to as the Mayflower building. I arrived about 8. I walked in. There was no reception area. I asked someone where I'd find the IT group I would be working with and they directed me to the 2 nd floor on the south east side of the building. So I proceeded to the second floor and after standing there a couple of minutes someone asked me if I needed something or was looking for someone. I ...

Leaving El Dorado County for the State of California

Leaving El Dorado County for the State of California Me with and some Eldorado IT guys - "Stop in the Name of Love" I t was 1995. The year of the O.J. Trial and the Million Man March in Washington DC. It was also the year of the Oklahoma City bombing. On the lighter side there was the movie “Toy Story”. The Number 1 Billboard song for '95: Coolio's Gangsta's Paradise. I was looking for a new job. I had put 7 years in at El Dorado County which was a PERS organization. I was initially thinking of returning to private industry but my mother-in-law, who had a long career working in IT for the State of California, encouraged me to think about looking at the state, since I had those 7 years in the same retirement program that the State of California used. She had worked her way up to upper management and was familiar with many of the state's top IT managers. She pointed out that while state government was much larger than El Dorado size had adv...

Please GOD, Get Me Back to Being a Programmer.

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Kids, You Can't Always Get What You Want:

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My Mid-Life Crisis

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El Dorado County Part 4 – I Become a Manager and County Politics

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El Dorado Part 3 – Returning to Normal El Dorado Camping Trip - Me, Linda, Wilma, husband of ?, ?, John, Helen, and Leianne   I was working at El Dorado County and had just, with help, completed converting and enhancing the county's Welfare and Child Services systems on to a new IBM mainframe system. It had been over a 9 month process, one where I had been working long days non-stop. There was now a rather long list of issues that needed fixing. There were also new ones cropping up pretty much daily. In fact new issues were being discovered faster than we could resolve the existing list of issues so the issue list was growing. This went on for a few weeks before we were able to turn a corner where our fixes were finally outnumbering the new issues being found. I distinctly remember when this happened. I had been working closely with the Social Services Admin manager, Lila, and was meeting with her and others multiple times a week. Occasionally the Department head would ...

El Dorado County Part 2

El Dorado County Part 2 Me and Kris at the Eldorado County IT Holiday Party I was working at El Dorado County converting their Social Services systems from an old Sperry UNIVAC mainframe computer to a new IBM one. The task had a completely unrealistic deadline and although I was seriously engaged in doing it, I was not feeling a sense of urgency since failure was a sure thing. The two main systems were the Child Services System and the larger Welfare System, that included Food Stamps and AFDC. There was no way any one person could convert those two systems within that deadline. Heck, one person wouldn't even of had a chance of converting one of them. It wasn't a normal conversion. It was essentially creating a whole new Welfare System. Did I mention that I had not previously worked on a Sperry computer before so I was going through a learning curve to boot. Regardless the conversion project was something that was beyond my control. There was no way it was going to...

El Dorado County

El Dorado County Me and Kris on the backyard deck at our  house in Rocklin K ris and I were married and had moved to Rocklin. Being computer programmers we figured our best hope for employment was up in Placer County as there was a semiconductor manufacturing company up there as well as Hewlett Packard. Consilium, where we had been working in Silicon Valley, was a software company whose product was the leading semiconductor manufacturing software on the market. It turned out neither of the hi-tech companies in Placer were interested in us. We ended up getting jobs elsewhere, Kris with the IT department of the Sacramento Bee downtown, and me with the IT department at El Dorado County located in Placerville. The result was we both had commutes but in different directions. (Placerville is not in Placer Country and Yuba City is not in Yuba County. What happened there?) A t El Dorado County I was hired into a programmer analyst position. The county was my first experi...