Young and Sure – Laurel Hill 2 I was 25 and had secured the position of Assistant Director for the Laurel Hill Continuing Education Program. It was a big title for a little Work-Study job. I was young and still at the stage where I thought it was important to expressing my feelings about things, solicited or not. I made quick decisions and had no trouble thinking I was right. Looking back at that time, I think of the line “I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now” from the Bob Dylan song “My Back Pages”. I suppose the line may seem rather cryptic but to me it says that there was a time in my youth when I took everything so much more seriously, right and wrong was clear cut, a time when I thought I knew more than I actually did. As I got older I realized that it's not that easy. Life and people are more complicated. It's better to listen more and talk less. I The view can look different from different vantage points. There's much to be gained ...
Stories about me and my life