GBS: What the Heck Happened in L.A. B ob came into the office one Monday and said there was a problem down in the LA office and he wanted me to fly down with him the next day to check it out. The LA office generally had a staff of 15 to 20 people. When we got there we discovered that there were only 4 people in the office. There was one sales guy, one installer (someone who knew how to install, train, and use the applications but knew nothing about programming), one programmer and a receptionist. There were no managers. The place was empty. W hat happened? I don't rightly know. The Software Manager and the Branch Manager had both walked out but never told anyone. Bob went into the Sales Manager's office and I walked into the Software Manager's office. Bob found a large stack of unanswered messages on the Sales Manager's desk and I found an even larger stack on the Software Manager's. T o make matters worse bot...
Stories about me and my life