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Showing posts from May, 2024

The "Boob Tube" & Me

  The "Boob Tube" & Me An Old 50's 13" round screen TV  “ The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” Gil Scott-Heron '74 but it may be streamed. B eing born in 1949, TV was a relatively new thing when I was young. While the TV was invented way back in 1927, it was not really commercially viable until 20 years later. Less than 50,000 homes had a TV in 1946 but that number jumped to over 4 million by the time I was born. By 1955, when I turned 6 about 75% of homes in America had a TV. My parents didn't own one when I was born but I remember them getting a round 13” screen TV when we were living in Levittown on Long Island. I don't remember us watching it a lot. When I got old enough to watch for myself my parents set down rules on how much time I could “waste” watching TV. If my sister and I were caught watching during the day when the weather was nice we would be strongly encouraged to go outside and play, or at least do something else. Usuall