Boil the Oil in the
first 6 months to a year I lived in the upstairs apartment of my
maternal grandparent's house. It was 1949. My Dad was a WWII vet
and married my Mom after the war ended. I was their first child.
They had built-in babysitters with my grandparents living down
stairs. My grandmother had a Brooklyn accent since she grew up there
and it was from her I picked it up. My Mom had a more typical Long
Island accent. Why did she not have a Brooklyn accent as well you
might ask? Well she was adopted and so her very early life was not
spent with her adopted parents. However, I have no memory of all of
this so this information comes directly from my parent's memories.
My parents bought a new house in the famous “Levittown” , the
first mass-produced suburb. It was a planned community, built to
take advantage of all the GI's returning from the war who would be
marrying, starting families, and needing a place to live. The houses
were affordable, came with appliances, and in some cases a TV and
even a couch. When my parents bought with the GI Bill it took just
$100 down to get in and the $100 was refunded at closing. This was
before the TV or couch incentives. We lived there for about 6 years
as when I was 7 we moved from Levittown to the house my Mother still
lives in today in Melville, NY. Levittown is where my earliest
memories are from. My best friend there was Dougie Estey. He lived
2 doors down. He was a year younger than me, as was Teddy another
friend who lived next door. I also had a friend Dean who was my age
but he lived a few more houses away and was across the street.
Dougie was a bit of a bully and would be quick to challenge you. I
spent a lot of our friendship backing down from him when we hit a
disagreement. This was preschool years and at that time the winner
of most fights was whoever threw the first punch. I was shy and
quiet, never threw a first punch so I lost every fight. My Dad told
me many times to punch back but I just did not get it. Finally
Dougie pushed me too far and I got mad and just went after him and he
took off and ran. I chased him into his house where his mother
joined in chasing us as we went out the back door and into his
backyard. I caught him there, hit him and wrestled him to the ground
and sat on him until he admitted I was tougher than him. His Mother
stood over us pleading with us to stop but I was not going to be
denied. Form that point on Dougie would still sometimes say he was
tougher and attempt to get his way over me. I would look at him and
remind him he was not as tough as me and he would back down. In
spite of all that we were good friends and we did not fight much.
The family on the other side of us had something like 6 kids. The
one closest to my age was Margie. I liked Margie and we used to
cuddle and kiss on the side of the house. I was probably 4 or 5. It
would be the last time I got to cuddle and kiss with a girl until I
reached high school, the longest drought of my kissing and cuddling
didn't, and still don't like to be watched when trying to do
something. My Mom tells how I learned to walk when I thought no one
was watching by pulling myself up by the couch nd then trying to walk
to the chair, but I would not do this if someone else was in the
room. Although my Dad worked with me a couple of times on bike
riding, I got up early one morning and went out before anyone else
was out and tried to ride my bike and that's when I learned to ride.
After I figured it out for myself I then showed my parents and
friends I could do it.
I got
lost in our neighborhood one day. So many of the houses looked the
same and it was before I had learned to read. I was probably only a
couple of blocks away. I walked around and around and the houses all
looked similar to mine but none were. I could not find, or at least
recognize my street. I finally had to head out to the main road on
the edge of our development, Jerusalem Ave. It was a busy street with
lots of stores and stuff. I had been there with my Mother many
times. I was not supposed to go out there on my own but it was the
only way I could think of to find our street. I figured I would
recognize the corner of our street from there. I did and so I found
my way home. Please don't tell my Mom if you see her.
In the
early 50's polio swept through our neighborhood. Many kids in our
neighborhood ended up in the hospital including my sister. I also
had a touch of it but not enough to get to the hospital, as it was
jam packed. The doctor came out a few times for a week or so to work
my legs. My Dad was also sick and my Mother was left to deal with
all of us. The woman from next door came by crying one day as her
3rd child was taken to the hospital. When my sister came
back she told me about this whirlpool bath they gave her. It sounded
cool to me and I was jealous I didn't get to go to the hospital and
get to do the whirlpool baths.
next year I was into tonsillitis. I got it a lot and ended up
missing most of kindergarten as a result. I ended up getting my
tonsils out. I finally got to go to the hospital but discovered I
hated it. There was nothing even remotely cool about it. I wanted
out. My Mom tells me when they visited I was so mad they put me in
the hospital I refused to talk with them. Before the operation the
nurses wanted to put this cup like thing over my mouth and nose
(ether) and I resisted and fought as hard as I could to avoid it by
turning my head form side to side but they ganged up on me and
finally forced it on me. The next thing I knew I was in a bed in a
big room with others. It was night time and I was throwing up blood,
or at least that's what I thought since the stuff was red. I then
stood up in the corner of the bed. It had a bar around it sort of
like a crib. A nurse came over and told me to lie down. I told her
no the sheets were all wet. She insisted so finally I squatted in
the corner. It was a stand-off, or rather a squat-off. I finally
told her I'd be quiet and she gave up and left. I did not get ice
cream but I did get an Uncle Wiggily Game. I no longer envied my
sister getting to go to the hospital, whirlpool baths or not.
It was
at school where I learned I had a Brooklyn accent. I didn't even
know I had an accent, much less the dreaded "Brooklyn accent". This
was bad news indeed. Having a Brooklyn accent was evidently a neon
sign labeling all those so afflicted as flawed or at least being
lower class. We Long Islanders believed we were at least a step
above Brooklyn. OK, some might say we were not quite as good as
Westchester, but we were well up on Brooklyn, please. Somehow we
failed to acknowledge that Brooklyn was actually on Long Island as
well. Luckily, my school pulled me, and the others who who had the
affliction, aside and sent us to a special class to train us loose
the Brooklyn side of our accent so we could grow up to be proper Long
Islanders. We had to practice saying sentences in a non-Brooklyn yet
still New York manner. One I remember was “Boil the oil in the
soil and don't let it soil”. There were others including one that
contained words like girl and work. So yes, I have a New York
accent, but it's a proper “Long Island approved” New York accent.
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