It Comes In Pretty Handy Around Here, Bub
“It's a Wonderful Life” – There is a part in the movie where
George Bailey, played by Jimmy Stewart, is with his angel Clarence at
the bar and he asks Clarence if he happens to have any money and
Clarence replies no they don't have any need for money up in heaven.
George then says “Well, it comes in pretty handy around here, bub.”
When watching that part of the movie I always think about this time
in my life.
I was a
married Airman First Class stationed at Beale AFB in Marysville,
California. As the summer of '70 was coming to an end, money was
tight and we were living as frugally as we could. I watched other
married airmen, who were having trouble making ends meet, start going
into debt. I was determined not to do that. As I mentioned
previously, the money situation made doing my own laundry mandatory.
My pay was something like $120 a month and they gave us another $100,
for food and rent, supposedly $60 was for rent and $40 for food.
They would sent that $100 directly to your wife. I suppose they were
afraid the GI's might otherwise spend it on gambling, booze, and
hookers, like in the movies. The cost for me to eat on base was
about two dollars a day. That would add up to about $60 for a month
for one person. Of course if I lived in the barracks and ate in the
mess hall the $40 would cover it. When Uncle Sam did the math, I
suppose buying into the “two can live as cheap as one”
philosophy, he decided the both of us could do it for the $40. So,
that's what all us married folks got. Our rent with utilities was
about $70 and we tried to spend less than $40 on food, not easy. We
had a car payment of $50. Car insurance was about $10 or so a month
and gas for the car another $10. We now were also paying $30 to the
Air Force for Donna's hospital bill. That left less than $20 for
everything else which included things like the phone, cleaning
supplies, toilet paper, soap, shampoo, and laundromat costs. We
really did not have any money to spare, in fact, we frequently did
not even have enough to go around. If an extra expense came up, say,
something like car maintenance or repair, needing to replace
something around the house, or even something like birth control
pills we were likely in the hole for the month. That usually meant
we would be forced to spend even less on food. Neither of us had any
experience cooking so we were learning together. I remember a few
times having less than $10 left till the end of the month and we
still had two weeks to go. One time we lived on peanut butter and
jelly sandwiches until the jelly ran out then just the peanut butter.
Another time we did just rice and beans. One time when we only had
a few bucks left we found frozen pot-pies on sale for something like
14 cents each at the commissary. We bought 30 of them, 1 for lunch
and 1 for dinner for each of us, some bread, and a dozen eggs. After
9 or 10 days I could not even look at a pot-pie. I went back to the
peanut butter. I didn't eat another pot-pie for at least 10 years
after that.
had been looking for work but there was not much of anything in the
area. I needed the car to get to the base so the job had to be in
town and probably within walking distance. There were few jobs at
that time and employers were not inclined to hire wives of servicemen
as they were well aware that we were only temporary residents and
could be transferred out at any time. They were not interested in
breaking in a new employee who might suddenly leave. While this was
California, not Mississippi, people from New York City were still
looked on as different, maybe not to be trusted. Marysville was a
rural farming community. Net result: No job for you!
I found
a way to eat on base for 10 cents. The snack bar near the
flight-line had cash registers where each item on the menu had it's
own key on the register. Toast was 5 cents. There was no key for
either tomatoes or lettuce. So I would get 2 lettuce and tomato
sandwiches on toast and most of the girls checking me out would only
charge me for the toast on each sandwich because that was the only
key on the cash register that applied. So I was getting two
sandwiches for 10 cents. It didn't help Donna but it certainly did
me. I can tell you I looked forward to those two lettuce and tomato
sandwiches. I still eat them today.
decided to dip into our meager savings, which was all of $40. We
decided to take out a few bucks on weeks when needed. We discovered
that the bank, Bank of America, had a charge if you did more that one
withdrawal in a month. So I decided to just close the account and
take all the money out since it looked like we were going to need it
all before long. Well the bank wanted to charge us $5 to close the
account. What? Never heard of that. So I asked what was the
minimum amount I was required to keep in my account. I remember it
being $2. I decided to withdraw everything except for the $2. It's
now 47 years later and as far as I know the $2 is still there
although I suspect they were able to close it due to inactivity and I
suspect they also had the required extra $3. I never went back to
that bank and I removed B of A from my Christmas card list. However,
now that I have a little more money I seem to be on theirs....
needed money. I found a job on base, open to just Military
personnel. It was bagging groceries for tips at the base commissary.
There were a few big tippers but the standard tip was 5 cents per
bag. The hours were something like 1 to 4 or 5, depending on where
in the month we were in relation to payday. If crowds were up we got
to stay longer. When the number of shoppers dwindled, most of us
would be let go and only the top guy and a couple of his friends
would get to stay. You had to be able to bag at least as fast as the
cashiers checked the groceries, and they were fast. So until you
proved yourself you would be held out and only get to bag for smaller
orders and low tippers. The guy in charge knew all the big tippers
and he would almost always take them when he saw them coming through.
He just worked the express lane until he saw a big tipper come
through, then he would cut in front and take it. Your only chance
for a big tip would be to happen on someone who was new to the base
and also a big tipper. We were supposed to report back on each tip
we got but I soon learned to fudge on the amount. Once I proved
myself, which I did quickly, I worked non-stop, as did the others.
We would pack the grocery bags, carry them to their car, collect the
tip, and then run back to get in line for another customer. It was
kind of good because you didn't have time to think about anything as
the faster you worked the more you could make. On good days I'd
generally make about 4 or 5 dollars. On payday sometimes $6+, but at
the end of the month it would be more like 2 or 3 and you would be
sent home early because of the lack of shoppers. I did this as many
afternoons a week as I could. I was still working night shift on the
flight-line, 11:30 till 8 AM and now was bagging groceries from 1 to
4 in the afternoon. I had about a 20 minute commute each way for
both jobs. I basically had two four or six hour windows to eat,
shower, sleep, do whatever needed doing at home, and visit with
Donna. I was getting about 5 total hours of sleep but usually not
all at once. Those days were really a blur and I felt beat much of
the time.
little money our entertainment choices were limited. I don't ever
remember going to the movies, or eating out, not even fast food. I
remember going to the county fair once. We sometimes would drive up
into the foothills and hike around or find a spot near the river to
have a little picnic. On the weekends we would sometimes head down
to Denio's Roseville Auction. It was an auction and a farmer's market
and a flea market all rolled into one. Coming from urban New York it
was different than anything we had experienced before. We sometimes
got some produce and occasionally purchased some cheap thing like
maybe some socks, but we mostly just walked around taking in the
scene. Social activities were largely visiting with some of the
other married airmen who were in the same boat as ourselves. We did
occasionally buy some cheap red wine. That would be Red Mountain
Wine, a gallon for just over dollar. As Donna would explain to
those who visited, the first couple of glasses were a little rough
but it got better after that...
As I
had mentioned in a previous blog, Jimmy Stewart came around a couple
of times while I was at Beale. I never got to meet him but he pretty
much nailed that money thing: It sure does come in handy, especially
if you ain't got it....
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