Return From Okinawa –
Finding Donna and The Failure to Commit
While I
was in Okinawa, Donna and I wrote each other regularly. I kept
telling her I was doing better. But then I'd been telling her I was
doing fine when I obviously was not. Of course it had not been quite
so obvious to me. Donna's letters were beginning to contain things
like how much she believed in me and how I turned out to be tougher
than she thought I would be. I was beginning to feel she might be
leaving and now that I was more engaged I realized I had been lucky
she hadn't left already. We were able to talk on the phone a couple
of times. It wasn't a regular phone. It was a line through the base
with an operator on with you. It was one way communication. You
spoke and when done said “over”. The operator would then cut you
off and open it up for the other person to speak. Both of us were
rather private people and trying to have an intimate serious
conversation with a third party listening did not work well.
last letter I received was a couple of days before I was scheduled to
return. Deep down I knew this letter was Donna saying goodbye. It
didn't actually say that but it felt like it. We'd always been very
intuitive in regards to each other. I tried to convince myself I was
reading too much into it but I was not being successful. To help me
along, the radio was playing The Jackson 5's “Never Can Say
Goodbye”. When I hear that song it can still bring up those
feelings. The only thing I could do now was to get packed up, get on
the plane, and hope for the best.
As I
boarded the cargo plane for the return flight I was hoping Donna
would be there when the plane landed back in California, but in my
heart I really kind of knew she wouldn't be. We landed at Beale late
in the afternoon. I didn't get up right away, part of me didn't want
to get off that plane and have to face that she was actually gone. I
finally got up and grabbed my duffle bag. I went to the door and
walked down the steps. It was 106 in Marysville that day but it felt
pretty good after the 95 with high humidity in Okinawa. I looked
around and Donna was nowhere to be found. Even though I expected
that would be the case it still hurt and I felt deflated. Everything
kind of went blank. As I just stood there a few of the other guys,
noticing that there was no one there to pick me up, asked if I needed
a ride. I said no. I just needed to be alone by myself. Besides
there was no where to go except to the barracks and I was not ready
for that. I put my duffle bag down on the tarmac, sat on it, lit up
a cigarette, and watched the sun set till it got dark. Even after it
got dark I still did not feel like moving. I had a sort of empty
feeling and was trying to get my head around Donna was gone.
awhile one of the guys I knew came by with his car and told me to get
in and he drove to the barracks. I sat up all night thinking. The
next morning I got myself up, took a shower, and made a decision to
track Donna down. I wanted to find her. I needed to see her. I
wanted to talk face to face. At the very least I wanted her to see
that I really was turning it around and let her know how much I
cared. I had the next day off but I went to the shop to request a 10
day leave. Everyone seemed to know what had happened. I was granted
the leave time.
Donna had our car, I rented one, a Chevy Nova. I drove up to Reno
where she had been attending school. I went to her room and as I
expected, she had moved out. I found Donna's roommate. She was very
sympathetic. She knew Donna left with another guy, knew a bit about
him, but unfortunately did not know where they went. I had figured
she would have had to leave with someone as she would not have had
enough money to leave on her own. One of the problems with having
little money is you can't afford to go somewhere else unless you have
someone to go to or someone to go with. I knew Donna would never go
back to her parents. I checked with her other friends at school and
they said they did not know where Donna went either. Perhaps they
promised not to tell me but I suspect they really did not know.
roommate offered to put me up in her room while I was in Reno and I
took her up on it. The next day she got me some breakfast and I went
to the post office to try to get a forwarding address. Working the
counter was a girl about my age. I asked her for Donna's forwarding
address and she told me that she was not allowed to give out that
kind of information. I hung around the whole day pleading my case in
between customers with everyone who worked there without success. I
needed to at least find out the town, so I went back the next day.
The same girl was working the counter again. I continued to plead my
case to her. I couldn't think of anything else I could do and at
least she had shown she felt bad for me. We chatted between
customers and I told her my story, embellishing it, hoping she would
give in. The more I pleaded and talked with her the more sympathetic
she seemed and I think she was starting to like me so I kept talking
with her every chance I got. She finally told me to buy an envelope
from her, put a stamp on it and address it to Donna's Reno address
and then add “do not forward” and “address requested”. She
said it was what businesses did to get forwarding addresses. So I
did and gave it to her. She went to the back. She returned and
handed me the envelope. It was stamped “Not at this address” and
it had the forwarding address on it. I thanked her profusely and
left. I had an address, except it was a P.O. Box address. At least
I had a city, San Luis Obispo.
I went
back to the dorm room and asked if Donna had left anything behind.
She had left a couple of boxes. I looked through them and found a
folder of her poetry. She wrote poetry, and I knew she would want
this and was surprised she had not taken it with her. I grabbed it
and told her roommate to make sure she told Donna I took her poetry
folder when she returned for her stuff. I figured that even if I was
unable to find her Donna would eventually contact me to get her
poetry back.
next morning I headed out to San Luis. I got there in the afternoon.
I proceeded to drive up and down every street looking for our car
until it was too dark to really see. I found a place where I could
park and sleep in the car. The next day I continued doing the same
thing and after driving all the roads in San Luis I extended my
search to the surrounding area. I'm not sure if it was the next day
or the day after but I finally found our car sitting in a driveway.
It was a little outside San Luis Obispo, close to Pismo Beach. I sat
there for a moment and then went to the door but there was no answer.
I waited there until late that night but no one ever showed up. I
checked again the next morning. Still no one home so I left a note
as I had to get back to the base and I needed to return the car.
A few
days later I got a call, it was Donna. She had been gone for the
weekend and she was quite surprised to find my note in her mailbox.
We talked a long while. It was strained at first but there were
strong feelings still on both sides. Overall it was a bittersweet
phone call. She wanted her poetry, was a bit miffed that I'd taken
it but conceded it was a smart move on my part. I felt like I could
probably talk her into returning if I pushed hard enough but didn't
want her to do it just for me. I really needed to see her face to
face. We ended the call agreeing that I would come down to Pismo
Beach. I rented another Chevy Nova that weekend and, with the
poetry, headed back to Pismo Beach.
was someone who came on strong but was not really that tough. She
kept people at arm's length. She did that to protect herself.
Getting too close to someone scared her. Using a sports analogy
Donna used the best defense is a good offense strategy. She was
smart and perceptive. She would challenge you and did not suffer
fools gladly. Her style both drew people to her and also tended to
make people tread lightly. I just saw her as brilliant and
interesting. When she tried this stuff with me it made me laugh and
I somewhat took it as a sign of acceptance or even a sign of
affection. I could tell she liked me right away so perhaps that's
why I was able to laugh off that tough talking front she could put
up. Early on she would say and do things to back me off. One was
she would tell me she shouldn't be with me because I was too young
for her. Well she was a year up on me school wise but she was
actually six months younger than me. She initially tried to keep me
at a distance to keep herself from getting too deep into the
relationship but we were drawn to each other. I was totally smitten
and I very quickly felt a strong connection between us. We just
naturally bonded. As I said in an earlier post we met while standing
in line at the University Bookstore. She had initiated the
conversation and when we ran into each other a couple of times after
that, it was Donna who came over to talk with me. We then started
doing things together regularly. We never talked about commitment or
being exclusive but that's what we became very quickly.
We both
grew up in the NYC suburbs but our families were quite different.
Donna saw herself as not quite a legitimate person, a person who did
not fit in. She saw herself as sort of damaged goods, someone who
did not fit into the mainstream. She was always a little more
comfortable when there was trouble or friction than when things went
smoothly. In our relationship when everything was going great for
awhile, she would manage to sabotage it, create some turmoil. It was
like she was afraid that if everything was great and the relationship
fell apart, it would confirm to her that she really was the unworthy
person she feared she was. As long as she did not reach that level
for too long she would never have to find out, a bit like if I didn't
get off that plane I'd never have to face that she was actually gone.
She believed she would never be fully accepted by my family and
often feared that if it came to a choice between her and my family
she would eventually lose. It wasn't my family in particular, it was
families like mine in general. She was afraid that if I did choose
her I would eventually regret it. On some level she feared that I
would one day have to leave her.
the leaving eventually happened but not as she had feared. It ended
up being because I made a decision that I had trouble living with. I
made a decision that I failed to commit to and consequently ended up
leaving Donna by hiding within myself. I truly believe that part of
the reason Donna left me was because she felt she was pulling me down
and I would really be better off without her. Everyone else only
saw the obvious, that she left me for another guy while I was
overseas. That looked bad from the outside. They all thought badly
of her and blamed her. I knew better. It made it even harder that
so many people thought terrible things about her. They ran down the
woman I loved thinking they were supporting me. It was a lonely and
terrible time for me. It took me a lot of years before I was able to
find another “all-in” relationship.
I got
to Donna's place and knocked on the door. Donna opened it and
led me into the living room. There was the little TV, the radio, and
some other stuff that was ours along with the other guy. It was
strange and a bit uncomfortable. We had a friendly, if strained,
chat. I still wanted to talk her into coming back but I also needed
her to want it or to indicate she wanted me to want her back. I felt
convincing her to come back with me doing all the convincing
probably would not work long term. I needed there to be more coming
from her. She seemed comfortable with this guy but she was more at
arm's length with him, the kind of relationship she was more used to.
I gave her the folder with the poetry and left.
called me after I got back to the base. We talked for awhile and
said our goodbyes. It was a difficult phone call. I would lose
track of Donna for quite awhile. We would find each other again a
couple of times, but I would only see her two more times. Then we
lost track of each other again. I haven't seen or heard from her in
over 37 years.
We got
married largely so we could be together while I was in the Air Force.
We were in love and in a committed relationship but neither of us
thought about marriage prior to me entering the military. A Buffy
Saint-Marie song “Until It's Time For You To Go” sort of captured
how we looked at our relationship. It was always understood that we
were in this for as long as it worked for both of us. If it stopped
working for one, it would be time to end it. I don't know if it was
ever really over for either of us but things got bad enough that the
end happened anyway. I did not want it to end but then I had, to a
certain degree, pulled out and then I was gone, in Okinawa. Donna
could take only so much and ended up moving on. I went overseas at
possibly the worst time, but then it was that break from what I had
been doing that allowed me to come to my senses and begin to regroup.
Looking back maybe it would have been better if I'd done my Okinawa
tour 4 or 5 months earlier. I have no regrets about the relationship
or the marriage other than I feel I let Donna and subsequently myself
down which ended up bringing about the end. I emotionally left. I
became disinterested. I even stopped having sex because I just
couldn't even though I never stopped loving her. I remember thinking
what's wrong, what's happening to me. Donna tried to help me and
tried to get me help but I wouldn't take it. I should have opened up
more and I probably should have seen someone. I'm not trying to
justify either of our actions. I'm not trying to absolve or place
blame. What I am saying is that there were a number of things going
on, we were young with not much of a support system. We each had our
issues, and we both might have made better choices. We were deeply
in love and we never stopped caring about each other. Neither of us
was to blame and both of us were to blame, but blame is
inconsequential. Though I know this, I somehow fail to keep from
feeling some guilt for my part. I've always felt I gained so much
from knowing Donna, she helped me to realize who I really was but I
question whether she gained much from knowing me. I think that's the
part that bothers me most, the feeling that ultimately I feel I
received more than I gave.
I was
19 and pretty naive when we met. Looking back I see how I made the
military so much harder than it needed to be. I see how I just got
stuck in the middle. I did not go to Canada, which was what I really
wanted to do and would have made me feel good about myself. I also
did not fully commit to my decision. The decision I made resulted in
me feeling like a failure. I needed to have fully accepted my
decision and commit to doing my military service the best I could. I
failed to follow my father's simple mantra he drummed into me when I
was growing up (“Be the labor great or small, do it well or not at
all.”), and I ended up losing Donna and a piece of myself.
safeguard the memories, the pain and sorrow bundled with the joy and
love I experienced with Donna. I hold dear the closeness and
intensity we once shared. Donna was an important part of my life.
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