From The Other Guys to The Irving Club or How I Became a Women's Softball Coach Team Pic the season Kris joined Front Row: Becky, Susan, Monica Middle Row: Colin, Lisa (above), Cindy, Michelle. Kris Back Row: Me, Mary, Darlene, Maureen, Amy, Bonnie Raitt, Ken. P laying with the other guys was a bit of a switch. Under Leon's tutelage, I had been well trained when and where to back up plays as a pitcher, particularly for throws coming in from the outfield. Unfortunately, some of my Other Guys teammates had obviously attended a somewhat different training program and as a result they often threw to one base while I was backing up another. After a few games it became clear to me that I just needed to back up where they were going to throw and not factor in where the base runners were going or might go.... I was having fun playing with The Other Guys for a season or so, when some of the women at the Rec Center, some of them girlfriends of the guys from the men's ...
Stories about me and my life